Marin Science Seminar  
at Terra Linda High School  
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Lisette Arellano, Ph.D.

Marin Science Seminar Presentation: "The Marin Wildlife Picture Index Project" March 7, 2018 (Download the Spring 2018 flyer here)

Dr. Lisette Arellano is the Community Science Program Manager at One Tam. Her work at One Tam connects people with the ecological research taking place in open space throughout Marin. She spent her undergraduate years at UC Santa Barbara’s College of Creative Studies doing research on stunningly bizarre estuarine snail parasites. Lisette earned a Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Colorado at Boulder where she conducted research on the ecology of wildlife parasites and became even more interested in science beyond the classroom. Lisette has also worked at zoos and museums, has a distinct affinity for salamanders and trail running, fears poison oak, but not spiders, and dabbles in filmmaking.


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